My Journey to Grateful Thinking
My journey with gratitude started when I was going through IVF, it was a difficult few years but I was determined to keep my optimistic outlook and whilst searching for ways to make that happened I found grateful thinking. Each night before I went to sleep I would sit and reflect on the hard parts of that day and then to help myself drift off to sleep happy I would think about something good - no matter how small - that had brightened my day a little.
Such a simple act but I soon started to feel the benefits and realised just how powerful that one happy thought was in helping me to switch my mindset to a better place.
Six years later and grateful thinking has become a way of life for me, it’s a massive part of who I am and I make a point of intentionally being grateful every single day - even the hard ones. At the end of each day you'll find me cosy in bed with my Three Happy Thoughts Journal and a cup of tea reflecting on the moments that mattered to me most.
So today on World Gratitude Day I thought I would share three things I am grateful for at this moment and most importantly why:
I am grateful that my eldest daughter has settled into her new school… because watching her walk in happy has taken away all the worries about moving her to a new school!
I am grateful for my lovely customers and kindness... because yesterday I witnessed a kind gesture between two ladies who have walked in the same shoes, one of them sent a small gesture to the other and I know it helped to make her day a little better.
I am grateful that my hairdresser can fit me in this afternoon… because I desperately need a bit of me time!
Does gratitude play a part in your life? If not have a think about one thing right now that you are grateful for and why, write it down and before you go to sleep tonight re-read your thought and see how it makes you feel, I hope it makes you smile and helps you to go to sleep happy.
1 comment
Beautiful words Tracey 🤍